Monday, June 10, 2013

It's Show Time

I been helping Qunella get her site redone for Katka Mountain Peace Gardens She wanted to host wedding parties, but she a long ways of hosting upper style weddings.
But having Teas and Luncheons is more in foreseeable at this time. 
One thing as many in the flower line I don't have any poppies. I've always been fond of poppies floating about in field. Add a touch of solidarity among many merit.
Qunella promise me some poppies seeds. I don't need many or want many.

I've taken enough picture of wood gathering adventure. We found a nice wind fall off of Myrtle creek area.
I know those who stop posting about wood gathering. Actual it was nice day up in the Mountain.
Saw a mule deer (buck) and bull moose...both young males.
I've taken enough picture of wood gathering adventure. We found a nice wind fall off of Myrtle creek area.
I know those who stop posting about wood gathering. Actual it was nice day up in the Mountain.
Saw a mule deer (buck) and bull moose...both young males.

Being up in the mountain had to check out how the huckleberries were doing. Well no large green berries yet! There are tiny berries on.
Don't know if it going to be a good year for picking huckleberries or not. Lot depends on the weather.
I'm wishing before Sawyer and Betty get married in July. I hope they'll be enough so I can make a few huckleberry pies to take to the rehearsal dinner. It would be a nice a treat.
As I was checking the huckleberry patch on the other side of the road I stumble on a moral mushroom. Only one to be found.

The tippy tops of the mountain the snow remains. Each day more and more coming off. Once we got our wood done. Murphy drove a few miles up the road to see slide falls.

Only notice one Indian Paint Brush. Lot of purple lupine up in the mountain. At this point there not very large in size.
But where we found our wind fall of larch. There a lot of wild lilies. I've always thought these wild lilies are pretty.
Anther wild flower I like is a wild orchid or lady slippers.

Coffee is on


  1. Wow...everything is gorgeous Dora.

  2. Beautiful photos!

  3. It seems to me that you did a post about that some time ago.

  4. Hosting tea parties is a lovely idea.

  5. the times spent outdoors sounds beautiful Dora. Its always good to get out into Nature xo

  6. It was sure a nice day when we took our trip into the mountains, so great chance to get some good pictures.
    Yes indeed there a good chance I posted on something like this but I know it not exactly the same..things are always changing.
    Her chance are better on tea parties then the weddings
    I rather be outside my home sometime shows it and wasting time on computer doesn't help at all/

  7. It was sure a nice day when we took our trip into the mountains, so great chance to get some good pictures.
    Yes indeed there a good chance I posted on something like this but I know it not exactly the same..things are always changing.
    Her chance are better on tea parties then the weddings
    I rather be outside my home sometime shows it and wasting time on computer doesn't help at all/


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Today Is Tuesday, April 30, 2024: This Is What Happened.

  Last day of the month. Since it was the last day. I try to get the photo looking west from my driveway. It has been cloudy most of the da...