Monday, April 16, 2012

Talking About Sensitivity

We're talking about Social Security. Some how Jeff and Lolita got brought up and I try to get an example how Lolita social security worked out or how the widow thing on social security works out possible. Lolita is 67 years old and she took her Social Security at 65 and I believe she gets a little over 300 a month.
To be quite honest I don't think she got her quarters in. I know there some type of program for people who don't get there quarters in on social security.
This is what I said to Murphy. “Let say Jeff somehow getting a $1,000 a month on his social security and then his wife could possible get about $500 a month”
He thought I said he was going to get $1,000 and I was insulting him. “Shit I could use any number fact I could of use $2,000 or even $1.00 To explain my point.
Statement time...The way things look it actual look like the last few years that Murphy put in quite a bit of time compare to Jeff.
I don't think he worked much after he left the Jenni Lane Apartment Complex. But once he figure out that the $1,000 was just an example he calm down.

This year or last year I mention it to Murphy that I could have my ceramic shop hire him to do some work so he could add a little extra to social security fund. We would take the money out of savings and add to his fund. But he just poo-poo my ideal thinking it was fraud.
But I would ask our account if he thought it would be wise to go that way. Before I did anything.
Then this morning he brought up the same basic ideal that I had except. Have his sister Faith pay in his social security fund though their bed and breakfast business.
Then I said “That what I want to do though the ceramic shop....I could hire any body and paid into there social security”
Now he wondering if was to late to hire him so he could add a little more to his social security fund.

Question Time...Why do Husbands think there wives are just idoits?


  1. Question Time...Why do Husbands think there wives are just idoits?

    Because you don't know how to spell idiot? And it's "their wives", not there wives.

    Really, I'm not saying that you are an idiot, I think you are intelligent in ways but your grammar and spelling really suck.

    Anyway, that was too broad of a question, not all guys think their wives are idiots, not all the time anyway, ya old broad. LOL

  2. BBC, that is SO rude!! Wow.. i'd be ashamed of myself to speak to another human being like that! :(

    Anyways, I definitely don't think all Men are like that, thankfully! lol! Some are for sure, but some women treat men like that as well. I think everyone just needs to respect one another & we'll get along beautifully! :)

  3. Carla, you don't like the truth? I like Dora just fine but lets face it, her grammar and spelling really sucks and she should work on it looking better if she's posting in public all the time.

    Just because I'm the only one that has balls enough to tell her she should do that doesn't make me a bad man.

  4. All she has to do is have someone proof read what she is going to post before she posts it, no point in her making herself look bad to the rest of the world.


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Today Is Friday, March 7, 2025: This Is What Happened.

 Been slowly getting things straighten out. Today I went and gather up all the paper that I don't need floating about. Like my social se...