Wednesday, January 18, 2012

The Dog's Speldert On the Floor and Disna Gie a Cheep

One sure see others differently. I've blog about my anxiety attacks but my hubby doesn't see my anxiety
I guess his ideal of anxiety is “a person doesn't matter what goes on in their life their hair is always on fire”. But one time he told me “If a ship is sinking I would rather have you in charge you would be level headed and get everyone off” But most of the time I feel like a “basket case”
Sunday we as in Murphy, Quenella, and I went to the human right day. Idaho and anther state I think it Arizona doesn't use the term Martin Luther king day.
“So” Statement time...I actual like the term “Human Right Day”
Last year show was a lot better but this year show was nothing to sneeze about.
I like learning and I can't recall what this instrument but it came from Germany. Sound like bagpipe. Oh I did find out what it is called “herdie gerdie” One of the songs they sing and the song was about going to war for the kings shilling.
Our little town of Bonners Ferry had a black mayor. In the 1800's by the name of Cook.
On the day “Human Right Day” our local school try to fill 2 school bus for our local food bank. So I bought a few items to donate.
Brownie Mix...$1.45
Dish Soap...$2.49
Fruit Cocktail....99¢
So all the stuff above came to $12.82. If your wondering how I came with this figure. Idaho charge sale tax on food.
Opinion time....It a burden on the real poor to pay sale tax on there food. I would rather see the sale tax remove from food. Increase the sale tax on non-food items.
Some may disagree with removing sale tax from food on these grounds “The food stamps (EBT) card one doesn't pay sale tax”
But to even quilter for food stamps one needs to be in such dire poverty. 

So Monday I went and help Murphette out. There some trouble with her food stamps (EBT) I saw the letter and can't recall the amount exactly. But she is to get about $179 or $279 a month in food stamp benefits.
But for some reason they haven't been credit to her food stamp (EBT) card.
But got must of her Christmas items down now. Plus went and got her medication which was $4.40. She has medicaid to help pay for it. I couldn't afford her medication.
Plus her tabaco and cigarettes tubes.
Opinion time...This bother me about home care and personal care...That it's ok for them to continue on with there habits that are destructive.
As I said in one of my past blogs sitting mini goals

So not thinking. I went into our local food bank to get Murphette a food box but it was close for “Human right day” but that's ok. I went in Tuesday and got them a box of food. I didn't dig though her box but it looks like a pretty round it box of food.
But our local food bank one is only aloud to get a food box 3 or 4 times a year. I know one can go in weekly to get from what they call salvaging. Which it depends what can be found though out the community and one helps them self. Oh there time they might post a sign something like this “2 bread items, 1 gallon of milk, and 3 dairy items”
But the one that is ran by the Mount Hall Community Church. I heard there able to give a food box once a month out.

Then on Tuesday I went in for T.O.P.S and I gain ¾ a pound. Well snow never came in November or December but now it's making a showing. So I had to bundle up more.
That the news for health wise.
I got my blood pressure numbers in a decent range. I haven't been walking as much but some how I mange to get down to end of the road.

I been trying to just buy practical items. A few prices from a local area.
Barley flakes...there a $1.25 and I got 1.54 pounds which came to $1.93
loaf of Seattle sourdough bread...$2.49
Regular gas is still...$3.19 a gallon.

So I try to check in with No-Low Spend or get off your broom

I ran Qunella around today. We went to quite a few place really to many to mention. But we stop at her neighbor and there not going to say anything but I came to conclusion that they where a little uncomfortable around her. Statement time...Qunella is a little different then most people. I think that ok it makes life interesting.
She went down to ask to let her use there computer so she can do some typing on her web site. They didn't come out and say yes or no.
So I offer to do her typing and she going to pay me $10 an hour. I've seen Quenella type and I know I can type a lot faster then her.
She took me to Bread Basket got me cup of coffee and fry pie she had Marion berry and I had Peach.
Plus I got my Barley Flakes at Sharons country store    which is right there.

It seem strange but not here in North Idaho. One day there was no snow to speak of but look at it now.

But not long ago I saw these birds munching on a apple tree with tiny crab apples.


  1. I've seen Quenella type and I know I can type a lot faster then her.

    I hope she is better with spelling and grammar and proofreads you. :-)

    Gas is a lot cheaper there, it's a $1.49 here.

  2. Opp's, brain fart, gas is $3.49 here.

  3. I'm not exactly sure how the food banks run out there but it sounds to be a pain! :/ Hope your friend gets everything sorted out! :)


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