Friday, April 15, 2011

Walking Off The Job

I quite my client Donna a good week it been closer to two weeks now. I've complain how much I hate my job and would come home and become abusive to Murphy.
I was total drain out and couldn't function after a day with her plus. I had two other client that suffer because I couldn't preform the task properly with them.
Let get right to the morning now. I came to work and pretty much right off the bat she want to know how many appointment that Murphette was going to have on Thursday. I said “I don't know but that the only day that the nutrition is up in Bonners Ferry. But I believe it should be less because her numbers been in a good range.
Then she said “My days are Monday, Wednesday, and Thursday” I thought to my self there no compromising or working with this lady and got my stuff and walk out.
Plus I know she was also pissed that I had to Murphette to a doctor in Courd'Alene on Monday the 11th.
I knew it also bothered her that Faith had a appointment on one of her days.
Ran into Murphy told him I walk out and didn't need to be treat like this. Next day I called up my supervisor told her that I walked out and would not return.
and e-mail her telling her I got hold of my supervisor and was mailing her key to her.

I know things are going to be different I took a $750 cut in pay but I was ruining my insanity and health.
I now feel like I can function more normal now.
Two things I would like to state Statement time..I also thought Donna was less flexible then my two other clients where.
I have desire to wish only good in life and after a while I would even visit with her in a solid 2 months or more.

It would be a extreme break if I would every go back to work take care of her.. Would I every go and see her of course I would
Question time..I wonder if I had some type of nervous break down?

So now I'm doing things small things around the place although Murphy did a really a great job. But still there was small projects that never got done.
The hood of the stove never got cleaned really. So I took out the filter and washed up and clean the outside of the coffee pot, toaster making it all shinny. Confession time...There sure not prefect but a lot better.
I notice when the sun is shining though the kitchen window in morning it looked pretty bad so I got out latter on climb and wash the window outside and in.
Then the next day I did the sliding glass door off the dinning room. It had doggie and kitty art. Now how many of us do art from our nose and mouth.
I don't know when the last time the kitchen curtains been washed.
Took everything out of the fridge and clean it out actual Murphy kept up on it pretty good.
In the past I had a weekly chore list but when I went to work I couldn't hardly do anything. So I been doing things off the weekly chore list but with little bit of oomph behind it.
I clean the light/ceiling fan above the dinning room table plus remove the light covers so next time I do dishes the light covers can be washed.

Then I got a chance to do out door stuff. Like plant some spinach starts, then did a roll of carrots, beets and spinach all in one.
Now the coffee grounds been going around the trees.
A little cleaning in the flowerbeds. No I'm not going to do any extension on those just to keep care of them.
I would like to but in white lilac
But all in all the weather seem to be hold on to cold.

I can focus on my health I can do more raw which I believe is a good thing. Recently I did a green smoothie what I call “Slip on sun shades”
1 cup of water...may want more depending on texture you like your smoothies
1 cumber
1 to 2 celery
1 banana
1 mango
1 20 oz can of pineapple (fresh one is fine but I would use ½ )
3 to 4 romaine leaves.

There was one day I wanted to do a roast beef and the cheapest one was just over $10 buck which I didn't want to pay that price.
So I got a chunk of cod and will make batter fired fish. So we will be having fish and chips for dinner on Wednesday.

Well Thursday I took Murphette in to see the person who helps her on her diet. Her numbers was good and Donna got all bend out of shape how dare there was appointment on one of her days. I tried to explain that I didn't know but I thought the appointment would be farther apart.
Murphette numbers been good so now she doesn't have to see the person who helps with diet for entire year.
Plus this month they got her off two of her medication.

Editor note...Murphette did change her appointment to following week because Donna had cousling appointment on the 7th to the 14th.
Donna behavor was some what like mt dad but when I was younger. No way of explain anything when one was in rage. But I have to say my dad was a lot worse.


  1. Sometimes your mental health is more important than money. It sounded as if you needed to get out of that job so you did what you needed to do. Good for you!

  2. Donna sounds like a whole lot of work......



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