Monday, December 15, 2008

Yule Scanveger Hunt

I haven’t done a hunt for sometime now. We are on the way to Yule celebration.
As I am and majority of us aren’t bundle of money this time of year.

So I’m doing a calendar swap. This is real easy.
1. Sign up before December 15, 2009
2. Place to sign up is just leave a comment below.
3. Shortly after the 15th I’ll e-mail you your partner and also get postal address.
4. Then after you receive your swap partner mail them a 2009 calendar.
5. If all possible I would like the calendar mailed before Yule (December 21st)
6. It ok to give one of those free calendars.
7. Plus this swap is open international

Please pass the word around the more the merrier

Edit Note.. Regular Posting below


  1. Anonymous6:11 PM

    hi peppy! sure, i'd love to join your calendar swap.

  2. I guess it's not too late. I was thinking of having some calendars made up and giving them to my customers. But like everything else I keep putting things off. I'll have to check later to see who can print some up for me.

  3. Just stopped to say Hi!
    I can't do a calendar swap,
    but I am sending you warm wishes.

  4. Great idea. I'll have to pass this year as I've too much work to finish before Christmas.

  5. That would be fun! I was just reading about a swap on somebody else's blog and wishing I had a swap to join.
    Yippeeeee! Let's do it.

    Oh, please pass the wassail!

  6. I'd love to do a calendar swap! being 'international' it probably wouldn't arrive now till after christams though, but it'll be on its way!

  7. I'd love to join...hope I am not to late...

  8. Anonymous7:07 PM

    hi peppy. did you email me my swap partner already? i'm just a little worried that i might have accidentally deleted an email. please let me know if you already did.


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