Friday, July 22, 2005

let talk weather

Yesterday which would been the 21st of July. It was hot our thromoter read 102. I never had big disaer to move to the southwest. It looks a little cooler today and I'm getting more done.
Here I'm talking weather and their more inportant issues. Look at New York subway they can search at random. We are loose are basic rights that are country was based on. How far will they go. The only thing I'll say I did not vote for bush. I was'nt much of a Kerry fan ethier.
Well I need to get ready for work and if I get chance I might blog again. Peppylady


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Today is Tuesday, March 7, 2024: This Is What Happened.

Yesterday, May 6, 2024. I posted about a guy who lived constitutionally. And I posted about him carrying a gun into a store. You can read my...